反射 Reflection

反射 全景.jpg

一组相邻的文字都是用对方所指的颜色呈现的,例如英文的「red」或「RED」搭配的却是绿光霓虹,而「green」或「GREEN」闪烁的则是红色光芒。在此,视觉符号与讯息文本的矛盾,以 不同的版本重复出现,除了搅乱观者既有的认知,也挑战着人们看待问题或进行判断的模式。

Neon Lights
Dimensions Variable
These numerous English neon slogans of various sizes and fonts, which are mostly into red and green, with the meaning of the words mismatched with the colors of the neon lights. For example, the word “red/RED” is presented with green neon lights and “green/GREEN” is glistening in red. This artwork presents the paradoxical visual semiotics and the text-based signals repeatedly in different versions, and in addition to disrupting the audience’s pre-existing cognition, it also challenges the way people look at problems and their analytical process.